Time is a Gift
Each January, the conclusion of holiday fun (and frenzy) allows a slower pace and the opportunity to look forward to adventures and improvements in the new year. There is less pressure to do, to go, and to be. January seems to allow more time and space to be intentional about our goals and how we spend our time. Set intentions. Start fresh. I love the optimism of January, even though it’s the bleak of winter here in Wisconsin! Many of us hope to become better versions of ourselves and embark on the bright path ahead with all of the best intentions.
As I start this new year, I find myself appreciating and reflecting upon motherhood, which has given me many new perspectives on life and the passage of time. My children are growing, learning, and becoming their own every minute of every day. It is a joy and a privilege to witness this as a parent. Time feels so precious with my little children, and I strive to be present and to enjoy this very special time together. At the same time, in addition to caring for children and parental responsibilities, there is also work to do, plans to make, house projects to attempt, to-do lists to tackle, a partner to love, family and friends to see, relationships to build and maintain, hobbies to pursue, and more. And what about sleep and exercise?! So much to do and so little time!! And yet, we squeeze in what we can as parents. With all of this in mind, I’ve been contemplating how to use my time in a meaningful way as I embark on the new year. Planning events and volunteering with my kids through Chummy is at the top of my list.
Community service has been important to me for as long as I can remember, and I believe this work shaped the trajectory of my life. I began volunteering at a young age with the encouragement of my parents, for which I am grateful. Childhood experiences as a volunteer set my life on a path to serve others and to practice a valuable lesson my parents taught me, which is “always be kind.” I gave my time and skills in service to others, but I gained so much in return as a volunteer.
These experiences gave me confidence as a child that I could be helpful and add value to other peoples’ lives. Volunteering empowered me to feel like I could do something meaningful, even if it was just in my small corner of the world, and it made me feel happy to help others. Volunteer opportunities as an adolescent and adult opened my eyes to the needs in my community and beyond, helped me meet new people, learn new things, see new places, and acquire new skills. Giving my time to help others in turn helped me to see firsthand the realities of my community and the implications of our shortcomings. It inspired me to advocate for improvements and to pursue a career in healthcare. These experiences helped me to develop strong interpersonal skills and to be a better partner, daughter, sister, friend, employee, citizen, and community member.
Now, as a mother, I would like to provide opportunities for my children that will allow them to learn and feel the joy of volunteering as I have. Young children are naturally helpful, giving, curious, caring, and observant; as such, volunteering seems to be a perfect way to gently show them the world and how to make a difference. As they grow up, I hope my kids continue to care about others and choose to be kind. I hope they see they have a responsibility to make the world a better place by giving their time and talents to others. Volunteering together now, while they are young, provides enriching experiences and gives them skills to someday navigate the world independently, bravely, and kindly.
I am excited about Chummy’s community service opportunities for children and families this upcoming year! Volunteering with my kids is a loving way to spend our time together and to give our time to others in our community. This magical time I have with my young children is so precious, and volunteering together as a family makes it even more meaningful and memorable. Time is a gift in so many ways.