Upcoming Projects
Past Projects
07.17.22 - Tenney Park Cleanup
We partnered with Clean Lakes Alliance to and cleaned up Tenney Park and Beach!
08.03.22 - St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
We partnered with the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry to box over 100 boxes of food to be delivered to families.
09.21.22 - St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
The kids had so much fun the first time we went back for more! We partnered with SVdP again to help sort and box food to be delivered to families.
10.01.22 - Badger Game Lemonade Stand
We sold baked goods and lemonade to Badger football game spectators; we donated $285 to FOSTER of Dane County and $85 to the Healing House.
Week of 10.29.22 - Healing House Meal Prep
Chummy families prepared and delivered dinners for families staying at Healing House (guests at HH are homeless who have been recently hospitalized).
12.03.22 - Box of Balloons Party Boxes
We partnered with Box of Balloons to create birthday party boxes for kids who may not otherwise get to celebrate their birthdays with a party.
December 2022 - Holiday Toy Drive
Families worked on their own to buy and wrap toys for FOSTER of Dane County’s Shoe Box Toy Drive. Chummy collected around 20 boxes to give to kids in need!
01.14.23 - Good Deeds Jars
We met at the library to read “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” and brainstormed ideas for our Good Deeds Jars to use throughout 2023.
03.11.23 - Porchlight Welcome Baskets
Our Chummy families assembled welcome baskets for people moving into a home after experiencing homelessness. We sorted and donated over 200 items! The kids also made “Welcome Home” cards.
Week of 04.09.22 - Healing House Meal Delivery
Chummy families prepared and delivered dinners for families staying at Healing House (guests at HH are homeless who have been recently hospitalized).
04.15.22 - Tenney Park Cleanup
Chummy kids and families celebrated Earth Day by picking up (lots of!) trash on the Tenney bike path near the Yahara River.
05.06.23 - Village Diaper Bank Diaper Packing
We partnered with the Village Diaper Bank to sort and repackage thousands of diapers for families in need.
06.04.23 - Rescue Animal Toy Making + Tour
We partnered with Shelter From the Storm Animal Rescue for animal toy making and a tour of their facility.
06.25.23 - Heartland Farms Sanctuary Tour
We toured Heartland Farms Sanctuary’s new location in Stoughton. HFS offers a safe, welcoming space where people and farm animals come together to experience growth, healing and connection.
07.12.23 - St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Another adventure sorting, boxing, and weighing food at the SVdP Food Pantry; boxes are delivered at a later time to families in need.
07.22.23 - Tour of Fire Station #1 (+ Thank You Card Making)
We got an in-depth tour of Fire Station #1, Madison’s largest! Before the tour, we met at the library to make thank you cards for the fire fighters and learn more about public service workers.
08.23.23 - St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Chummy’s fourth project with SVdP sorting, boxing, and weighing food to be delivered to families in need. The kids have become experts and packed an incredible amount of boxes!
09.02.23 - Badger Game Lemonade Stand
Chummy families brought and sold treats and lemonade to thirsty Badger fans pre- and post-game! (The 90 degree weather helped!) We raised $443 for The Road Home (https://trhome.org/)
09.30.23 - OccuPaws Guide Dogs
We partnered with OccuPaws to learn more about how their organization trains and pairs guide dogs with visually impaired persons. We were able to meet several of their guide dogs!
Week of 10.08.23 - Healing House Meal Delivery
Chummy families prepared and delivered dinners for families staying at Healing House (guests are those who are experiencing homelessness who have recently been hospitalized).
Badger Childhood Cancer Network Adopt-A-Family Holiday Drive
Chummy partnered with BCCN to sponsor three families who have a child in cancer treatment. More than 50 Chummy families delivered more than 100 gifts to the families in need!
12.20.23 - Badger Prairie Needs Network Birthday Bags
We partnered with Badger Prairie Needs Network of Verona, whose goal is to end hunger in Dane County. Families donated and assembled items to make Birthday Cake Bags for kids who might not normally get to celebrate their birthday with a cake. We also packaged and stocked items for their food pantry.
03.03.24 - Reach-a-Child Book Drive & Bag Assembly
Chummy members met at the Middleton Fire Station to assemble bags for firefighters to give to children who’ve been in a crisis. Families donated books to Reach-a-child and the kids got a tour of the station!
03.03.24 - Hospital Kits for Kids
We assembled toiletry kits, coloring kits, and made cards for kids visiting or staying in local hospitals (American Family Children’s Hospital and Meriter Hospital).
04.27.24 - Dane County Parks Youth Service Day
We joined a community of volunteers for Dane County Parks Youth Service Day at McCarthy Youth and Conservation County Park. Kids and families helped weed, mulch, trim, and plant at a new conservancy space in east Madison.
05.25.24 - Outdoor STEM Activity with UW's Nelson Institute
Chummy is partnered with Michael Notaro, the director of UW Nelson Institute’s Center for Climatic Research, to learn more about our role in today’s environment. We helped the Henry Vilas Zoo in the development of its climate vulnerability and adaptation plan by collecting data related to the urban heat island, greenspaces, and weather patterns across the zoo to create a heat map.
Week of 06.23.24 - Healing House
We partnered with Healing House (HH) for the 4th time to prepare and deliver meals to HH residents (those who have been recently discharged from the hospital but are currently experiencing homelessness). This was a do-on-your-own event for Chummy members!
07.26.24 -SVdP Food Pantry
Chummy members visited the St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Food Pantry - our fourth time - to help pack boxes of food to be delivered to those in need.
08.09.24 - Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens
We partnered with Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens, who let us harvest and weigh vegetables at their farm to be distributed later that day to those in need.
09.14.24 - Badger Game Lemonade Stand
We sold lemonade and treats to Badger fans heading to and from the football game and made $413.25 for the UW-Odyssey Project!
10.27.24 - Arboretum Service Project
We partnered with the UW Arboretum to help their mission to conserve the land and advance restoration ecology. Volunteers worked with Susan Carpenter to collect seeds from native plant species to aid Arboretum restoration.
November 2024: Thanksgiving Basket Collection
Chummy hosted a Thanksgiving Basket Collection viat the Goodman Community Center for families in need. We collected hundreds of needed items and dropped them at the center for sorting and distrubution.
12.07.24 - The Road Home Collection and Card Making
We partnered with The Road Home to provide a donation of hundreds of household items for families moving from homelessness to housing in Dane County. Kids also made the families treat cards!
Week of 01.12.25 - Healing House Meal Preparation
For the fourth time, Chummy families prepared and delivered meals to Healing House, a downtown organization that houses those facing homelessness that have recently been discharged from the hospital.