The Future is Kindness
The past ten years have presented a mind-boggling amount of turmoil and unrest. Somehow, it’s as if every worrisome event - from viruses to racism to violence - becomes instantly rooted in a deep division of people that now seems to define who we are.
Wow. What a bummer of an opener. But there it is, and to be honest, I’m often worried about the kind of world my children are coming of age in. School shootings, natural disasters, mutating germs - all things from which I desperately want to shield my kids. But I know I can’t eliminate everything in the “scary stuff in the world” column. More alarming, perhaps, is that we are doing a terrible job at approaching the world’s problems as a people. Recently, we have failed miserably at working together, at listening to each other, at being kind, at being civil. Every problem now seems to have a side, and anyone who’s not on our side becomes an opponent. It’s us versus them no matter what the issue. What a terrible arrangement for getting things done, and an even sadder collective state of being.
There are so many factors wrapped up in the us-versus-them mentality - politics, religion, culture, and identity (to name a few). I admit, it’s going to be difficult to untangle ourselves from this long-brewing mess. But I always return to the idea of kindness. I remind myself often about the power of kindness, how it can help in times of fear, sorrow, and anger. It’s not effortless, but it’s uncomplicated. And it’s an idea that children not only understand, but are drawn to.
So, let’s start small. Let’s raise our children with a mindset towards compassion and selflessness. Let’s teach them from a very young age to work together toward a common goal. Let’s provide them with the privilege of giving back. I want Chummy to be a starting point for these things, and more. Let's let their future be kindness.